Pajaro Campana, 2019

35mm film, scanned

1. Foma Fomatone MG Classic 133 VC FB Paper, Velvet, 8x10"

2. Pronto Plate duo-tone Lithographic prints on Fiber Paper

3. Video + Sound piece
One of the key topics I explore in my work are themes in background and identity.

My Abuela Chila is my grandmother on my mother’s side. I spent most of my life growing up without her in Miami, while she lived in Colombia.
I use every opportunity I can to document her and draw many parallels of what I learn from her into my practice. 

Recently, my Abuela was diagnosed with Parkinsons’ disease. In this series, I documented her head, hands, and feet as those are common areas for the body to shake depending on how progressively bad the disease gets. At one point, if a condition worsens, the body loses all ability to control movement. In photographing on film, I am archiving her body and essence as the present state of stillness.

I then continued exploring my series translating her imagery onto different mediums of printing. Each process physically different and physically laborous from the other.

1. Foma Fomatone MG Classic 133 VC FB Paper, Velvet, 8x10"

2. Pronto Plate Lithographic Prints on Fiber Paper

3. Video + Sound piece, Duration: 2:34

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