Palimpsestos De La Patria Colonizada (2018)
(Palimpsest of the Colonized Homeland)

A collaboration with artist Gabriela Fernandez

6’ft x 8’ ft
CNC machine engraving on Plexiglass mounted on cedar wood panels installed into the window space of The Kampong.

for DIASPORA- 2018, an Art Basel showcase featuring participating students from New World School of The Arts College 

Fictitious renderings of two maps with indigenous symbols pertaining to Colombia (left) and Cuba (right) etched on Plexi Glass Panels

Using the natural light illuminating through the that projects different renditions of maps from countries: Cuba and Colombia, that draws a connection to the way that resources from these countries and their people have been used to harvest from Spanish, British, and American colonization.
Some of these renditions may be abstract or unrecognizable to the audience, creating the illusion that this is an area that they have not explored, similar to that of colonization back then at the same time as now through space travel and the potential colonization of other planets for its resources and stability to inhabit the site-specific space, to be activated where they are in constant movement and explorative.

Description of DIASPORA: Diaspora was a two-day, two-site show examining our relationship to plant-based food: how we develop, cultivate, and distribute it.
Essentially we’re using the agrarian landscape as an entry point to investigate our relationships to each other as humans (building societies) and also as organisms within the larger context of nature and the cosmos.
Within the space of our show, we have set our sites on frontiers (addressing aspects of Colonialism) -past, present, and future. Across oceans, continents and toward the gravitational drift of other planets.
Simultaneity. We are in all time at once, acknowledging a continuum of human existence that extends into our distant collective future.


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