Portals in your area,
(2019-present )

35mm b&w film 
Digital color photography
There are many formal elements in my photographic work that can be seen informing one another-visually and conceptually.

The natural fragementations that occur through light absorptions, refractions, and reflections of these images reference that of multiple exposures, but they are actually all single exposures.

Growing up in Miami, I have become adjusted to this environment as the mundane, and have learned to see past the oversaturation of the realities it holds for many as the certainty. I photograph differently when I am here and constantly have to shift the way I photograph, even though it is one of the places I know most. 

In this series, I am exploring the many ways in which certainty areas an represents or misrepresents reality, where one enters feels somewhat certain familiarity but uncertainty at the same time.

Unless otherwise noted, all of the material on this website is Copyright © 2022 by Christine Cortes.

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